How to hide categories in theme main page?

Fantastic theme, thank you! I saw that someone earlier asked how you can hide the categories on the main page, but I didn’t see the answer? I’d also like to hide the dates on the posts (main page and post page) and change the font on the post headlines on the homepage only, but I wasn’t sure which to change and thought asking would be more efficient than trial and error. Thanks!

  1. To hide category.
    Find line 419 on style.css that says .pinbin-category and add this list of styles.

display: none;

  1. Same for date.
    Find #post-area .post .pinbin-date and add

display: none;

  1. For date inside posts.
    Find .pinbin-meta and add

display: none;

In this case you will lose author name as well since they are marked with the same div.
4. Fonts you need to change for div called h2 a.front-link
This will get you started with fonts in CSS:

To make all changes I recommend using Child Theme so all these changes will be there after updates. Otherwise each time when I will release new update for this theme you will have to make again.
More about child themes you can find here:

Making these changes in Child Theme would be even easier. Code would look like this. Nothing more

.pinbin-category {
	display: none;
#post-area .post .pinbin-date {
	display: none;
.pinbin-meta {
	display: none;
h2 a.front-link {
	font-family: Helvetica 