How to make styling changes

Hi Noda

I have some styling questions now……Is it possible to have only 3 footer widgets instead of 4? Can I delete one and make the others more evenly spaced?

Is it possible to reduce the spacing between widgets so there’s not so much gap between each widget?

Is it possible to have line spacing between words in the services section and the footer widgets sections too?


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Access details are still now working…
I have no words…

ERROR: The password you entered for the email address [email protected] is incorrect. Lost your password?

mZ#ibn^)CWdy8N2kj)GRHsxZ This is the new password

Sorry! I don’t know why you’re having such problems. I am also frustrated with this process. Please try again.

I also wonder what I can do about the fancy box because it says I need this for my blog? Should I activate it again?
Also I have tried changing the text colour for the blog article, but this is still remaining gray. Can you also please look at that.


Hi Noda, also the pictures in my blog are not centering but are aligning left, can you help with that?

Noda, I wonder if it’s possible to have all the images in the full-width
section on one line? Can you please have a look at that too? Thanks

Hello Jacqueline

Finally, I was able to log in on your site

here are my questions but please note, you have too many questions and unfortunately, I cant fulfill all your questions with custom CSS, 1 - 3 question is ok but such amount of questions is basically customization

  1. footer - there is no option but i can help you with custom css:

footer#footer .col-md-3 {
width: 33%;
padding: 0px 3%;
footer#footer .col-md-3:nth-child(2) {
display: none;

  1. spacing in footer widgets, above code, contains this code
  2. line height in service section - it has perfect line-height but here is the css:

#services .section-content .service .service-entry {
line-height: 31px;
4. fancbox - if you don’t use it it’s not necessary
5. Blog post color - you are changing colors of text in your blog post from the text editor:
6. blog post left side - illdy uses the sidebar on the right by default, all you need to do is to add some widgets in blog sidebar
7. "all the images in the full-width section on one line? " - Where exactly?

Please, don’t bundle so many questions in one ticket :slight_smile:
its not an easy

Thank you for this code Noda! I appreciate your help. I will try not to ask too many questions from now on.

Question 7
I would like to see the images in the full-width section next to each other and not underneath each other so they are all on the same level. Is this clear now?


Good morning Jacqueline

You are always welcome :slight_smile:

Images, - Well, I want to know where exactly you want to do that, on the homepage? on the posts? portfolios?

Hi and good morning Noda,

The 3 images in the “Here are some of my clients” section to be placed beside each other and not underneath each other.

This is the final thing now. Thanks!

Please add this CSS in appearance - customize - additional CSS

.widget_sow-image {
display: inline-block;
width: auto;
margin: 30px;

Colorlib Support Team

Good Morning Noda,

Thank you for this code, it worked perfectly! I am happy with how everything looks now. Thank you for all your support!
