How to remove the original Mobile menu icon from mobile page

Hi, I Installed a Mega Menu plug-in to replace the default menu of Shapely Theme.
When The site is viewed in Mobile mode the original mobile menu (Hamburger menu) still appears on the screen.
Question 1. How can I remove this menu Icon and its activation area?
Thank you.

Hey there,

I can help with this, please provide the URL of your website and we will hide the menu with custom CSS.



Hi, is there a way for me to send the URL so that only you can see it?

The website is currently in maintenance mode. I can disable maintenance mode so you can have a look. I don’t want any one else on the support page to see the site. Will that work for you?

Thank you.

Hi there,

Yes, you can DM me your website URL and I will check it.


I you receive the URL that I DM?


Im sorry, I did not received, can you please try again?


Please explain to me how to send a DM.

Hi @WillV

I’ve got it now,

check DM


Hi, I checked my DM’s and did not get anything.
Will you please send that DM again?
Thank you.


I already replies, :slight_smile:
