How to stop "coming soon" being shown as the title/pic when I share my webpage

Hey team.

I launched my blog yesterday and everything is running smoothly except for the fact that when I share the “about me” section of my webpage on face book it has a COMING SOON title where the feature image would usually go. I have disabled my maintenance page plug-in and also deleted it entirely but for some reason the COMING SOON keeps showing.

You can see what I mean by copy pasting this link into your facebook post bar and see what image loads.

If anyone knows how to fix this I would be very appreciative.

Thanks Dane Bergman.

Has this happened to anyone else? I’m thinking it may be caused from the maintenance mode plug-in.

Don’t want to pester but I still haven’t been able to fix this. Do any of the web masters know a way around this?

Hi Dane,

I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.

I have just tested by sharing the page on my facebook wall and found it’s working fine.

This may be due to the facebook cache issue.

If you face the similar issue again then just try clearing the facebook cache from the following page.

Best Regards,