Individual text above post page


First, thanks for this great theme. It’s fantastic.

The only thing I wondered is that the individual text is missing above the post page. I created a page with a individual text in the editor and defined the template “Blog Image Large”. In the theme options I determined this page as a static page for the front page.

Is it possible to get this front page with my written text from the editor and the posts? And how can I do this?

No it is not possible. This is not even possible with almost any WordPress theme. Of course there are some specific cases where blog is based on shortcodes but these are premium WordPress themes with many other bloatware in them.

One option is to edit blog loop which you can find on content-extensions.php file to add some content above blog page. Probably there are some plugins as well but I am not aware of any.

Otherwise, you have created a nice website with awesome color scheme!

Thank you very much for your quick response and your feedback.
I will try to put the text into the content-extensions.php.