Insert svg element into Parralax Widget Content

I installed SVG Support plugin. I have a .svg file with svg icons(symbols). I want to import these icons into Content of Parralax Widget.

If I open Dashboard -> Appearance -> Widgets -> [Shapely] Parralax Section -> Content, I can import svg file by


and all my icons are in html body.

If I try to import specific icon by <svg class=“icon”><use xlink:href="#node" /></svg> tag and save changes, svg tag is removed from Parralax Section Content. How can I import a svg icon from svg sprite file?

I can import svg file by

<img class="style-svg" alt="alt-text" src="wp-content/themes/shapely/assets/images/icons.svg" />

No I didn’t find solution. I can add svg sprite file using SVG Support plugin by

<img class="style-svg" alt="alt-text" src="wp-content/themes/shapely/assets/images/icons.svg" />

but I cannot import svg icon by <svg class=”icon”><use xlink:href=”#node” /></svg>, because svg tag is removed from widget content after saving

Hello there,

I am sorry about that.

In order to have WordPress use SVG files, you would need to makes some changes to the functions.php file,it is recommended that you make a backup before making an changes in the file.Here is an article that explains the process:

Please try using the following plugin to ensure that the SVG tags are not interrupted:

Best Regards,