install child theme


I found the document to create a child theme, made a new folder in wpcontent/themes and made a text document called style.css with the code you guys provided, but it says now that it’s broken and I have to install the parent theme.

I use the parent theme though. I didn’t update it to the latest version, because I’m scared to lose what I did so far. That’s why I wanted to create a child theme. Could that be the reason or did I do something else wrong?

Kind regards,

Hi Sofie,

Please follow this codex article, Child Themes « WordPress Codex and the most important thing is the style.css file, and in that file, the most important one is the template make sure you gave that template name correct, it should be the parent theme folder name. If you rename the illdy theme to something else, make sure you update that template correctly too.

Let us know,


Hi Laranz,

I succeeded in making a child theme, but there are a few things I can’t fix then. Like the text line on the front page in the contact section. I can’t change it anymore?

Thx, Sofie


Glad you successfully create the child theme, you can customize the front page Contact section in Appearance -> Customize -> Front page Section -> Contact us Section.

Let us know,


Hi Laranz,

I know that. Did that before the child theme, but the option to change that line under the title, wasn’t there after I installed my child theme. So couldn’t customize it any longer. So wanted to know what I could do to customize it when it’s no longer possible in the contact section from the customize menu.




Installing child theme won’t make disappear any option, can you share a screenshot of which option. If possible pass us the WP Login details in a private reply so that we can check what’s going wrong.

Let us know,
