Installing Theme error

Hi , when trying to instal a .zip theme
i get this error message.

nstalling theme from uploaded file:

Unpacking the package…

Installing the theme…

The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.

Theme installation failed.

Anyone can help?

Hey there

Sorry but its not a WordPress theme, its an HTML template and you cant use it as a WordPress theme


Figured out , i need a refund. how i do that?


You can use the contact form on our main website to send a refund request


What steps do you take from here?

Hi there

@ethicaldigitalsoluti you can start refund process form our main website contact us form.


Hi there

@blogging there is no such thing as the best theme for a website, it depends on your goal and project.
Once theme can be best for one project and garbage for another.
