Issues with Header Navigation Bar - add full width image for Sparkling theme


I love this theme. Just uploaded it for my site ( and moved my content from a previous site over. My header image is in - but the menu bar is below. I have attached an image of what my site currently looks like. I would like to move the navigation bar to above the image and keep the image where it is but extend it the full screen width. Then have the call to action below it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for this beautiful theme.


You can add fullwidth image below navigation and above call for action section by adding it directly inside header.php

Go to Appearance >> Editor >> header.php and find this line: <div class="top-section"> and add your image code below it. It would look like this:

<img src="" alt="The Self-Discovery Retreat" scale="0" width="100%">

It worked! Thanks so much. Really appreciate the quick and thorough response. So awesome to work with you!