layout & design menu


I would like to center the menu instead of placing it on the right hand side.
Could you tell me where to find the setting in the css?

Sofar I haven’t found the right setting.

I would also like to change the height of the menu.

If you could help me out here, that would be great.

Hi @dankolamers,

I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.

Could you please share me your site URL where you want to make the menu center so that i can help you to achieve it?

Do you want to change the height of the menu or menu items?

Kind Regards,

Hi Movin,

I installed the site on a local System, so I can’t show it.

Can you tell me where I can make the desired changes?

Hi @dankolamers,

You can try centering the menu by adding the following CSS code in the Custom CSS option of your theme on the below path.

Admin Area -> Apperance -> Theme Options -> Other -> Custom CSS

#masthead .nav.navbar-nav {
  width: 1000px; /* Change the width here */
  max-width: 100%;
  float: none;
  margin: 0 auto;
  clear: both;

Change the width value 1000px in the above code to which will enough to contain all the menu items of your nav menu without displaying them on new line.

Best Regards,