Link parent manu

Hi again,

sorry for spamming here. I tried to find a solution for enable that the parent menu page actually links to the link that has been set up. But instead it’s only able to click the sub menu. This is especially important for my “recipes” and “impressum” parent menu, so that you can get either the category of all recipes and the impressum directly without having to click the submenu.

I found some solutions here but they didn’t work or I wasn’t able to download the plugin provided.

I would appreciate help with that.

Thank you!


Hi Jess,

I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.

This is the default behavior of Bootstrap framework that we have used in our theme. You can confirm it on the following Bootstrap framework nav menu demo page.

If you want to make the top level menu link visited on clicking on it then you can use the solution posted in the following reply.

If you can’t download the plugin on the above topic then you can created it manually as described in the bottom of the above topic.

Best Regards,

Thanks a lot!

I must have overseen the part where you posted the content of the plugin.

That worked perfectly fine for me!

Sorry for bothering again.

The plugin works great for the desktop side but it isn’t with mobile. And especially the law parent menu is important to be opened.

Do you have any suggestions on this?

Thank you so much!

You are most welcome here :slight_smile:

The plugin works great for the desktop side but it isn’t with mobile. And especially the law parent menu is important to be opened.

Please see the reply posted in the bottom of the below topic.