Logo and title next to each other in Travelify theme?

Hi! Your theme is amazing and I am currently using it! I am trying to set it up so that it has a logo and title text in the header (side by side) followed by a discription in the bottom. How do I do that?

[logo] Title

The easiest way to achieve this is to just create your logo by including site title, description and logo itself. Basically you have to create one bigger image too put all these details on it.

If you know some basic CSS/HTML you can do the following.

Open header-extensions.php and copy the code from line 218-222 and paste it between lines 212/213.
You can wrap newly added code with additional div’s if needed and style them how you like them.

I can’t give you detailed instruction because it depends on your logo size, description length etc.
I hope this will get you started with this.