Long delay after refreshing page


Whenever I customize my homepage, even if it’s just a small change, there seems to be a long delay after I save it and refresh the page. Is this because of picture size or something else? How can I fix that because it makes it so tedious to wait so long after each change. I am using the free version of Illdy theme.


Hello @lisa1,

It might be the problem that you use a very big header picture, but unfortunately that’s how the customizer works and there’s not much I can do about it.

If you can provide me a video or gif about the behaviour I can try to look for some solutions.



Thanks for the reply. Well there’s no video to show but the gif size is 85Kb decreased from 200KB.

I wonder if the rest of the pictures in the art gallery on the homepage can slow it down too. I’ll see about decreasing their size too in case…
