Menu and Link Color the same


On this page Kanga Hire – Hockeys Braidwood
the hover link color seems to be the same as the accent color, I have tried to change them in Customising - Colours, but that doesn’t work.

Hi there

Have you tried to change it from the theme settings?

You can also use this code:

#header .top-header .header-logo:hover, #header .top-header .header-logo:focus, #header .top-header .header-navigation ul .sub-menu li:hover > a, #header .top-header .header-navigation ul .sub-menu li:focus-within > a, #latest-news .section-content .post .post-title:hover, #latest-news .section-content .post .post-title:focus, #latest-news .section-content .post .post-button, #contact-us .section-content .contact-us-box .box-left, .recentcomments > a, #blog .blog-post .blog-post-title:hover, #blog .blog-post .blog-post-title:focus, #blog .blog-post .blog-post-meta .post-meta-author, #blog .blog-post .blog-post-meta .post-meta-author .fa, #blog .blog-post .blog-post-meta .post-meta-time .fa, #blog .blog-post .blog-post-meta .post-meta-categories .fa, #blog .blog-post .blog-post-meta .post-meta-comments .fa, #blog .blog-post .blog-post-author h4, .widget table td#prev a, .widget table td#next a, .widget .widget-recent-post .recent-post-button, span.rss-date:before, .post-date:before, .blog-post-related-articles .related-post:hover .related-post-title, .blog-post-related-articles .related-post:focus .related-post-title, #comments #comments-list ul.comments .comment .url, #comments #comments-list ul.comments .comment .comment-reply-link, #header .bottom-header span.span-dot, #header .top-header .header-navigation ul li:hover a, #header .top-header .header-navigation ul li:focus-within a, .open-responsive-menu:focus .fa, input[type=submit] {
    color: #b3c7d9;

This will change similar problems everywhere
