Menu Bar Disappears?

Strange one.
It seems whenever there is text behind the menu bar, the onhover stops working.

For example on this page

If you hover over ‘information’ you can’t use the dropdowns?

Also, whilst I’m at it, I’d like to have the custom CSS for the menu bar background to pad at the bottom a bit more, but I can’t seem to get it to work.
Current custom CSS is:

	z-index: 99;

Hello @glenritchie,

I’m sorry but I’m kind of missing the issue.

Can you please include some screenshots with the malfunction?

Thank you

I have been having the same issue. When you hover over the menu bar no navigation menu comes up. Please have a look:

Hello @rkosteck,

Please proceed to update the theme, everything should work just fine with the latest version that fix the jQuery malfunction.

Best regards