Menu elements misaligned in Tablet view


I am having issues with the main menu when viewing in Tablet view only. Mobile and desktop seems fine. As you can see from the attached image, the menu elements are misaligned horizontally - any advice on how to fix?

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hey there

Hope you are having a good day and thank you for your question :slight_smile:

Please add this CSS in appearance - customize - additional CSS

.navbar-default .site-navigation-inner .navbar-nav> li> a {
padding: 20px 0;

Colorlib Support Team

Hi Noda,

Thank you for your reply :slight_smile: Sadly it didn’t appear to change anything when I checked on my Tablet though. Any other ideas?


Howdy Chris :slight_smile:

code is not correctly added, but… wait a minute, I see the cause of this problem is this CSS:

.navbar-default .site-navigation-inner .navbar-nav> li> a {
padding: 11px 0;

added by you in customizer > additional CSS, you have to remove it :slight_smile:

Ah, brilliant! Thanks Noda :slight_smile:

You are most welcome here :slight_smile: