Menu Item in Drop-Down is same color as background

I have been trying to find the exact CSS for drop-down menu. My background color is white and when someone selects an item, the current page in the menu is also white. So it disappears. Which CSS do I need to change to change the font color to a light gray color?

Hello there,

I hope you are doing well today.

You can use the following CSS code to change the menu hover color by going to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS and pasting it there.

/*Menu hover color*/
.dropdown-menu > li > a:hover, .dropdown-menu > li > a:focus, .navbar-default .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a:hover, .navbar-default .navbar-nav .open .dropdown-menu > li > a:focus {
    color: lightgray;

Best Regards,

Thank you so much Support Person. I truly appreciate it. That was exactly what I needed.

Hello there,

I am glad the solution worked for you.
Please feel free to contact us again in the future regarding any other issues.

Best Regards,