mobile responsiveness

I just added some new pages to my website and it’s not formatting properly on mobile. Can anyone help resolve it? Here is one of the problem pages and another one

Hey there

Sorry, Chris but can you tell me what part of the page is not responsive? or maybe you can add a screenshot?
i see page content is same on the both pages

Basically, the formatting is wrong - how do I get it to fit a mobile screen?

Hello there,

I hope you are doing well today.

You can use the following CSS code to change the mobile appearance by going to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS and pasting it there.

@media only screen and (max-width: 1000px) {
.eds-animate.animated.bounceInRight h3 {
    font-size: 13px;

Best Regards,

Thanks for your help - I’ve done this but have discovered that the main problem is that the animation loads diagonally which has proved a problem for all devices. Do you know how I can change it to load left justified - not so it cascades diagonally to the right of the screen.

Hello there,

Are you using a page builder for this element?

Best Regards,

No it’s a plugin.

No it’s a plugin.

Hello there,

In that case, you would have to use the plugin to make the content load from the left justified. it should be available in the plugins settings.

Best Regards,

Fixed - turned out I just needed an extra space between lines as the images were screwing up the formatting.

I will close this case now, Feel free to contact us again if you have other questions Thanks!