Multiple Columns in the dropdown menu for WordPress theme

Is there any chance to make the main dropdowsn menu appear in multiple columns?


Unfortunately, there is no option for that by default but I have seen that some users have implemented Mega Menu and some other plugins that offers this kind of functionality. Not an easy task but it can be done.

Hello Aigars,

question, what i understand now it is not posible to have a menu just like the one on top of this forum a specialy the item “Premium Themes”. If we would like to have this kind of menu we have to use a plugin oke bud you told Anabell that it is posible bud it is not a easy task. Before i’m going to pay 30 US dollar for this plugin i would like to know what do you mean by it is not a easy task.




There is a free alternatives for this plugin as well. Just search on and check if it is something that you can handle. Also read plugin documentation to understand if it is something that you can get done on your own.