Please I need help setting up my primary menu on Illdy theme to work properly, it was supposed to scroll down to the section on the page when clicked.
This is my site: https://scalela.co/
I appreciate any help.
Hi there
this is a known problem and is already resolved officially in version 2.2.0 check Uncaught ReferenceError: Popper is not defined ·
Colorlib Support
I have the same error. I have installed the version 2.2.0 on my site but it doesnt work. Could you give any idea about how to resolved it? My url is www.danirico.com
Thanks in advance
oh sorry, I posted the link with a mistake. https instead of http. Now the link should be OK
Hi @DaniR
Thanks, now I am able to view it
You are using the wrong links to the sections, please follow this doc page and use the correct hashtag links to the sections: https://colorlib.com/wp/support/illdy/
Let me know the results.
Sorry but I don`t understand what do you mean with “the correct hashtag” I can´t see the errors. I’m using the hashtags as the doc page says, for example, these hashtags: #contact-us, #about and #latest-news.
The urls for these hashtags are Dani Rico – Sprint a Sprint or Dani Rico – Sprint a Sprint. If I open them in new tabs, they work ok but if I open them in the main page of my site, the scroll down doesn’t work.
Hi @DaniR
Sorry about my reply, problem you reported is similar to this one: Uncaught ReferenceError: Popper is not defined · Issue #318 · ColorlibHQ/illdy · GitHub can you please apply the fix provided here?
Non of the above solutions worked for me. Issue still persists…menu still not scrolling at all. It appear to only work when opened in a new tab, but no scrolling.
@DaniR I also checked your site, the menu still not working. I was curious to see if you’ve solved it so I can borrow some ideas. Just like mine, it appear to only work when opened in a new tab, but no scrolling.
Hi @Eddyah5 @colorlibsupport The fix provided in the github link solved my Popper problem but not the problem with the scroll. I was making some tests in my local and the problem is (I think) with the jquery library, exactly with this line in the HTML header
<script type='text/javascript' src='http://danirico.com/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.min.js?ver=3.7.0' id='jquery-core-js'></script>
I have tried to make a test.html file in my local with the html code of my main page, without that line, and it works. Now, my problem is I don’t know how to remove that line in my page. I tried to looking for where is included that line (I think in some php file) for removing it but I didn’t find it.
@colorlibsupport Could you tell me where is that jquery.min.js library line included?
Thanks @colorlibsupport for your help. I will have to looking for another WP theme without these kind of problems