Need to show full post, but only post excerpts display?


I’m hoping to disable the post excerpts so my home page shows full posts. I’ve unchecked “show post excerpts” in the customizer and selected show full text in my wordpress settings >> reading, but the posts still display as excerpts with a read more button. Any solutions?



Hi Beth,

I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.

I have tested it on my test site and it’s working fine for me using latest version of Activello theme.

Would you mind if i log in to your site and do some troubleshooting? If this is ok then could you please share me your site log in details privately by checking the option “Set as private reply” when replying to this topic?

Kind Regards,

That sounds good, here’s the login info:

username: writer4him
password: 82k##GsTm7*Il29iMQp7S96j


Thank you for sharing the site details.

I logged in to your site and saw some code was changed in the content.php file of Activello theme which was causing this issue so i corrected it and it is working fine on your site now.

Thank you very much! One more thing: I noticed that now the posts after the first two show up in two columns. Is there a way for all the posts on the blog to show full width?

You are most welcome here :slight_smile:

One more thing: I noticed that now the posts after the first two show up in two columns. Is there a way for all the posts on the blog to show full width?

You can try achieving this by using the custom CSS solution posted in the following topic.