No fields in my social widget

Hi Movin, my Activello social widget doesn’t have any fields for any socials, only for the title of this section on the blog…

Please take a look at the attached image, and at the link below as well.

What do I have to do to make the sections for facebook page, twitter, etc appear?
Thanks in advance!

Hi guys, did anyone get a chance at looking at this? The previous response (about another issue) came so fast… :slight_smile:

Hi @pandora,

I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.

To display social icons in the sidebar using widget you have to create social icons menu as described below.

  1. Create a menu like any other menu in the admin area of your site under Appearance -> Menus .
  2. Use the correct urls in the menu items, so for twitter it must be for facebook it must be Otherwise URLs won’t get recognized and you will get squares without icons.
  3. Set theme location for this menu as “Social Links”

Best Regards,

Hi Movin,

I have posted two different threads with problems faced but haven’t received a reply for them since a week now, is there a reason why some posts are given regular replies while some are left unanswered.

Hi @gypsycouple,

This is not the case. We have predefined schedule to reply on the forum and we follow it so don’t post your replies on others thread which just make the topic messy.

I can see you have created the following two topics in the support forum and i have already replied to it.