Options Framework and translate in french

Hello, first at all, thank you very much for this theme. I find this theme and i like it.
I have two questions :
1 : the “options framework plugin’s” is include in this theme, i don’t have to install it in that case ?
(but i try to install it after the installation of unite because it’s recommended and when i activate the plugin, i have this error : Fatal error: Cannot redeclare optionsframework_init() in /xxx/aaa/llll/blog/wp-content/plugins/options-framework/options-framework.php on line 29)

2: I’ve been try to translate the comment’s area in french.
I’ve made from “…\wp-content\themes\unite\languages\unite.pot” a file fr_FR.po and i can translate many words but i can’t translate this : "One thought on “Articles” " ““Philippe” says:”
i don’t find in the file unite.pot the code for this : "One thought on “Articles” " ““Philippe” says:”.
Naturally, you understand that “Articles” and “philippe” are use for exemple.

version of wordpress : version 3.8.1
version Options framework : 1.8.0 (Devin Price)
Many Thanks for your help !

  1. It is no longer required to use this plugin. Theme has the latest version built in and I will keep it updated via theme core.

  2. Some parts of the theme can’t be translated via Theme such as this one. This theme uses default WordPress comment system and translations are taken directly from WordPress. Make sure that you have french WordPress version installed and languages files are present in WordPress root folder - wp-content - languages.

If you have translated this theme entirely (not comment section) I would really appreciate if you could send translation files to support[at]divilab.com and I will add to next theme update. partially translation is also fine as long as it is still usable.

Thanks in advance!

  1. I understand now. I had a doubt because CPT Caroussel Bootstrap slider did not appear on my first page. I set the settings but i don’t know where is the problem.

2.In wordpress root folder -wpcontent-languages, i have all of file about french version. I search a solution in that way. I’ll let you know.

See you soon.

Thanks for your help !


As agreed, i am sending you a partially translation of the theme.
I’m working on my blog a lot and i’ll try to send you a complete version as soon as possible.

How can i send you the files ? (fr_FR.po and fr_FR.mo)

See you soon.


Thank you for your time and effort!

The best option is to send translation via email: support[at]divilab.com (replace [at] with @)

Will continue discussion from there.

Thank you!