Page not rendering correctly

I am just getting this setup and it was working great. Then when i got on today the footer is rendering on top of everything. Any help would be appreciated.

hey there

Please add this CSS in appearance - customize - additional CSS

#about, #contact, #footer, #news, #team, #testimonials, #works {
position: relative;

Colorlib Support Team

Thanks, that did it.
One more question. Sorry i am new to css. I am trying to set the width of the logo on the loading page so it shows correctly on mobile the only thing i saw was the “awesome-loader” so i tried “div#awesome-loader {max-width:100%; height:auto !important;}” and it didn’t do anything is my syntax wrong or is that not it.

Ok I got it I had to specify the image inside of the “awesome-loader” so my css came out as “div#awesome-loader img.custom-logo {max-width:90%; height:auto}” and it worked


Nice work solving this one and thanks for adding the solution here to help others.

Best Regards,