Parallax section for frontpage button link

I’m very new to web design and wordpress. So my query may be very basic, if it is I’m sorry.

I’ve created my website and it is live. Since doing that I’ve created a local version for design and test purposes and a staging site for pre go live testing. The staging site is a sub domain of the live website.

I think I have a reasonable grasp of how to move the locally hosted site to the staging site. I update the url in sql and also the wp-config file. However, I’m having trouble with the links I have created in the parallax section for frontpage button link. I suspect the issue is how I am referencing the target link in the widget.

The buttons I have created link to pages I have created on my website. I have used the full url link in the button link field, I think that there is probably a better way to do it. Ideally I should be to use a suffix of some kind that references the site url in settings. That way when I upload the website the links in the widget will work just like the rest of the website.

So my question is, what should I be putting in the button link field?

Thanks in advance.

Hello there,

I hope you are doing well today.

You should use the full url in the link fields so that the website will always reference the correct page.

Let know if it is still an issue.

Best Regards,

Thanks for the reply, I appreciate it.

Maybe I didn’t explain myself very well. I’ll give an example of what I mean.

My local website has URL http://localhost/mysite/
I have a page on this website with URL http://localhost/mysite/about-us/

Then I move the website to the staging website.
I do this by copying all the content in the wordpress folder from my local drive to my hosting server.
I also export my sql database from my local drive and import it into the staging database.
I then update the siteurl and home records in the options table in sql to
I also db_name, db_user and db_password settings in the wp-config file.

The result of this is that when I log in to the wordpress admin tool my About Us page automatically has a new url which is

This to me is great and how things should work.

However, in contrast.

In the local website I have created a [Shapely] Parallax Section for Frontpage with Button 1 Link http://localhost/mysite/about-us/

When I do the above process of copying the local website to the staging website and then go to the staging site wordpress admin the Shapely] Parallax Section for Frontpage with Button 1 Link has http://localhost/mysite/about-us/

To my mind the widget Button 1 Link should update to

Does this make sense?

Hi Esavkovic

Well, first of this problem is caused by your migration method, this is not related theme question,
the fact that link is not changed is normal, you have to use a different method of migration, i suggest to use this plugin (if you already moved your uploads folder) to create a new database for new website url:

Ok I understand now. I’ve used a plugin and it’s made the changes correctly. That’s awesome, thanks so much for your help.

Hi, there

Nice to hear your problem is fixed:) Now I will now close the topic and mark it as resolved. Feel free to contact us again Thanks!