Photon Template help

  1. in the Photon Template the top carousel of photos there is overlaying text in white with a button to click on on each photo that you scroll… how do I change the position to the bottom and not center of the image? my images have a white background in the middle and a dark bottom (unlike the samples) and it’s really hard to see the overlaid writing and button as it is currently positioned.

  2. what file do you open to add your email to the contact form?

sorry I thought I was buying a wordpress template but ended up with this one and am figuring things out from scratch.

Hi there

Please consider that editing HTML templates requires working knowledge of HTML and CSS. Without this I’m not sure if you can make any major changes.

  1. Where exactly? I need a link to the page and a screenshot
  2. You need to implement that file yourself; check this out:
    PHP form to email explained | HTML Form Guide

then can i get a refund? I purchased this template thinking it was wordpress…

Hi there

Yes, you can use contact form on our main website
