I have started using Pinbin as a theme for my site. I can’t get it done that my posts show pictures… And is it possible to adjust the color of the fonts? Due to the background I use, it’s hard to read the text now… Hope you can help me!
Any tips and hints are welcome!
Images used for Pinbin theme are called Featured Images and you can select them when editing Post. There a widget called Featured Image on the right side of Post Edit Screen. For each post you have to do it separately.
Here you will find more information about that: http://en.support.wordpress.com/featured-images/
To change font color for widgets you can add this to your style.css but I don’t know which color will work for you so please tweak it accordingly.
#footer-area .widget {
color: #ffffff;
#footer-area .widget a {
color: #ffffff;
Thank you so much for your quick answer! I’m still quite new to all of this and learning every day