Depuis ce matin et votre dernière mise à jour, mon site ne s’affiche plus correctement et reste figé sur la page d’accueil. Je ne sais pas si c’est depuis le changement de “contact form 7” que vous avez changé, depuis cette mise à jour, ma page principale bloque alors que les autres chargent correctement…
Destination Colombia Page bloquée en chargement
desert-de-la-tatacoa/ Page fonctionnelle
Merci pour vos retours!
Hey there
I just verified it and its working without any problem on my side, is this problem resolved?
Hello, it works when I disable the Kali form part of the “contact” part.
When the function is deactivated, the home page loads well, but as soon as I activate “contact form”, the site doesn’t load anymore!
This worked very well with the previous version and the other contact form.
Here’s a video of what’s happening, for the moment I’ve disabled the mail form so that my home page isn’t blocked as you could see when you tested it.
Thank you for your feedback and help
Hi Marcos
Ok, I see, please enable contact form and add this css in appearance > customize > additional css:
#awesome-loader {
display: none !important;
By putting CSS code, it has totally disabled the animation of the whole site, the contact part still doesn’t appear, so it’s not the right solution, you have to put back the old version…
Video here
How can I cancel this CSS and put it back as before?
Sorry about that, just remove css code you added before
In this case please get in touch with the Kali form support here: [Contact Form builder with drag & drop for WordPress - Kali Forms] Support |