Post heading color

Hi, using the theme options I can see that most colors can be changed. However, when I click read more into my post, I see the titles of the post are all still the same purple color. How can this be changed? It shows my custom color on homepage before clicking to read more though…

Also, the carousel is still showing purple headings as well. How does that change?

You can change heading color via Theme Options - Typography - Heading Color. It will change color of all h tags.

I have forgot to add functionality for carousel color, could add it to the next theme version.

Thanks, but I already change to be black, but it shows the front page post titles as green (because I chose green for link)? and when u click read more… each Individual post/ page title is purple

You earlier added this to Theme Options - Other - Custom CSS and you haven’t removed it since

.entry-title {
    font-size: 40px;
    font-weight: 100;
    color: #54397E;

Which means that these stylings are still relevant. Based on CSS priority, this styling applies as the last one so it overwrites one added via Typography section.

You just need to remove thiscolor: #54397E; and everything should be fine.

Great, thanks so much! Is there a way to change just the blog header title (taketimeaway) link color and post title link colors without changing the color of links within a post?

Add this to Theme Options - Other - Customs CSS

.site-title a {
    color: #444;

Change color accordingly and don’t forget that you added that code there :wink:

Since I have helped you a lot I would really appreciate if you could rate review this theme:

Oh I see, thanks! I have left a review, thanks for your help! =)