Post Title: lenght and color

HI all!
1- I would like to have a bigger number of characters in post’s title: as in the attached image the title is cutted!
compare with the title as shown in the site:
how may I do to avoid this?

2- Below every post there is the category’s name that has link’s color… meanwhile the title is black. This result in a major attractive appeal for the category than for the posts!
So: may I change the title’s color?

Hi there
Hope you are having a good day and thank you for your question :)In order to check your question i need to see your live website, please provide url and i will take a look

thank you here the main page

thanks for any help

Hello there

  1. Sorry but theme functions is not allowing to use such a long title and they are shortened :frowning: unfortunately, without touching theme files, this cannot be changed :frowning:

  2. Where exactly? Can you show me this effect on the screenshot with the direct link to the problem?
    viewing your post and i can’t see anything like this,


1 so it should be possible to use longer titles? what have I to modify? which file? I am using a shapely child theme

2 (attached file) in the blog page, where is the preview of all articles, the category displayed below article’s image is red and become green when mouse is hoover (I have set these 2 colors), instead the article’s title is black, so the category is more visible than the article’s title and I would like to be able to set the title himself to have the red/green colors

thank you a lot for your patience!!

Good morning

  1. You have to create a new function in functions.php file to change the behavior of the post titles
  2. regarding post title color, first of all when you post question please always include reference link to the question because i don’t know the place where you want to make this changes and its hard or impossible for me to provide any solution in the next reply, so if you don’t want to lose time always include link to the reference page,
    THis is the code to change post color:

.post-content .entry-content .post-title a {
font-weight: 300;
color: #009bde;

on this page:

thank you for your help!
Sorry! I will include links!

1- I may try to set function for longer titles… may you tell me the code to do this, so I will paste in functions.php file?

2- !! now I can set the title’s color! this is great! If I may abuse your patience… may I also set the hover color?
I tried with this code in custom css, and the title’s color is correct but the hover color is not:
.post-content .entry-content .post-title a {
font-weight: 300;
color: #00936c;
.post-content .entry-content .post-title hover {
color: #009bde;

here the page

thank for your support!!! all your staff is great!!!

Good morning

  1. Sorry but we can only help only with basic changes in the style that includes changes in CSS styling and getting started questions with the theme, such modifications are under customization territory
  2. ahh my dear don’t think about my patience :smiley: this is only for you I just want to provide answers as fast as possible :slight_smile:
    you are nearly here, this is your correct css color:

.post-content .entry-content .post-title:hover {
color: #009bde;


1- ok, no problem!

2- the code does not work
.post-content .entry-content .post-title:hover {
color: #009bde;



Good evening

  1. thank you for understanding :slight_smile:
  2. Ups, sorry, this is the correct code please try and let me know:

.post-content .entry-content .post-title a:hover {
color: #009bde;


thank you very very very and very much!!! :smiley:

Hi There,

You are most welcome.

Feel free to reach out to in case something else comes up :slight_smile: