Product pic size too big

Dear support team,

I imported product pic of various sizes. Somes are big…

1/ How to auto set a maximum display size for the product picture displayed on the product page ?
2/ The pictures get cut in the thumbnail (shop pages, widgets, etc), how to avoid that ?


Hello there,

I am facing the same problem, the product image is too big , the product image gets cut in my shop.

Please help

Hello there,

I hope you are doing well today.

You can change the image size by going to WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Display > Product Images and disable the hard crop option.

Best Regards,

Hello , it kind of does work, as I had to change the images to size 600x600 as well.


Hello there,

I am glad that the solution worked for you.

Did the option provided solve the issue for you?

Best Regards,