Projects Pictures Not showing

I insert the images under the project widget but the image is not showing up. it seems like a common problem with other user too. Can u help me with this?? Thank u!!!

Hello @disksontslee,

Every single time when this happened the solution was to re-upload the pictures to media again and re-add the pictures to the projects again, while switching all the default content to new one.

For example, you go to your Project 1 widget, just change the title, use a new URL from media and a new URL for the page you want the picture to point to and the issue will definitely be resolved.

Please confirm that you got it alright!


PS: Related to issue #3 here:

Yeah!! The picture is up. Thank u so much

Illdy theme demo contant is not available please give .xml fime

Hello @sayadav,

Please have a look in Dashboard > Appearances > About Illdy > Demo Content.

Since this post is not related at all to your issue, please create dedicated threads in the future, if necessary.
