Question about blog and footer

I am trying to select a custom page for all of my blog posts to go to. That way, when a user clicks “Read More”, it automatically goes to that page. I have it set up under customizations > latest news to go to that page, but always get a page that says “Nothing Found”. I basically want to have the blog set up the way that the demo is set up.

Also, is there a way to remove the footer that says, “Products, Information, Support” etc? Or is there at least a way that I can edit it?

Thank you!

I would also like to add, the url is

Hello @jerryg12345,

First, you should lose the -2 for the blog page
I suspect there is another blog page in Pages > Trash which you should permanently delete or restore, so you can use the clean URL.

Next, just select in the right page options > Page Attributes > Template > Blog

This should fix the blog page issue.

For the footer content, just go to Dashboard > Appearances > Menus and add a widget to your footer sidebar.

You can choose a blank text widgets or use one with your informations.

Let me know if you got them right.

Best regards

Thank you so much! I couldn’t figure it out for the life of me! Problem solved.