Remove image in top of page

I’ve found this thread:
I tried the solution on, to remove the image at the top - I only want the image to show up inline.
Somehow, I managed to do so on another page; but I simply cannot remember how I did that, and since it does not work on the first page I mentioned, I might have failed in make the solution page-wide.
I compared the first page with the other, however, I can’t see any difference.
Can you please help me?

Albert van Harten
Computer geek and programmer

Hi there

Hope you are having a good day and thank you for your question
So, you just want to remove featured image from the single post?

use this css code:

.single-post .post-content .entry-header {
display: none;

Colorlib Support Team

I already tried that, but that doesn’t work …

I actually just found a solution myself, but I am not sure if my solution has unsolicited influence on other parts of the theme/blog.

I added the following to Extra CSS:


Hi Albert,

Thanks for getting back to us.

Your solution should work just fine and I do not anticipate any issues with the theme.

Have a good one.