remove READ MORE button in Blog page

Hi there,

On the Blog page underneath each post is has the button ‘read more’, when clicking on it, it just stays on the blog page and doesn’t display the rest of the post. How can I fix that? I actually would like to remove those buttons and have a full Blog post page with all the content showing. How can I change that please?

Many thanks,

Hello Anja,

Can you please send me the website link to have a closer look at the behaviour you are mentioning?

Meanwhile, I will do my fair share of research to see how you could place all the blog post information in the listing, directly.

Kind regards

Hi Ian,

yes sure, so on the blog I added you can’t get the rest of a blog post when you click on “read more”.

Here is the site:

Many thanks,

Hello Anja,

This is quite strange, I see it working alright in our demo.

Have you made any core files modifications related to this?

Try going to Dashboard > Settings > Permalink, switch to Plain mode, save changes and see if they are working.

Kind regards

Hi there,

after updating the Illdy theme today, it completely broke my website. I am using a child theme but after the update the homepage was the blog, after changing the homepage to static page and the name of my homepage there was nothing there. All the sections had gone only the main image and header are still there. I have reinstalled a backup I made but without any luck. Even the backup looks the same now, none of the links work on the website. When you go to customize, the sections are there and ticked, yet they don’t show. Can you please help me and figure out what I can do to fix it?

This is the link:

Many thanks,

Hi @beginnerwebdesigner,

Give us in a private message a wp admin and user. And, don’t forget, you always need to use a child theme.



Hi Christian,

thanks for getting back to me. I am using a child theme and it was working fine up until the theme update. The odd thing is that the older backups don’t work either now. So I wonder what went wrong. When I click on the sections in Customise, they are ticked as show yet they aren’t showing. I have saved the permalinks after the update as I know that can cause issues.

Here is my login:
username: BrightonCleaning
password: 6OvsY5a#ofOUr%9*1T

Many thanks,

Hi @beginnerwebdesign,

Well, as I can see, yoo need to update the wordpress. you need to update the theme, the contact form plugins, etc.

Do this and you should not have problems.



Hi Christian,

thank you for getting back to me. I basically did the update and didn’t like the changes so was trying to return to the previous version, which I was super happy with. But that doesn’t version doesn’t work any more. I have adjusted most to the new update now. I have one issue though. I need a white bar on the top as the logo needs a white background and the menu bar also. I have added a white part to the background image to achieve that, yet it doesn’t show. How can I fix this (it worked fine previously).

Many thanks,

Hi @beginnerwebdesigner,

The white bar on the top is showing on mobile version, but is not ok.

You should use instead a css, like this :

#header .top-header {
        background-color: #fff;

And when the mobile version is in place, change the white backgroud for the responsive menu in something visible, what about a green button like the logo has, using this code:

@media only screen and (max-width: 992px)
.open-responsive-menu .fa {
    font-size: 22px;
    color: #a7d065;



Hi Christian,

I tried both you suggestions but they don’t seem to work. I added them to the CSS in my child theme but no success. Also the background image does not show in the mobile version. The menu button is invisible as the background image isn’t there.

What shall I do?

Many thanks,


Use a custom css plugin and copy paste my css code from above.



Thank you Cristian,

I saw the additional css now so I added both in there and the top white margin works now. The responsive button still doesn’t show so how can I fix that. Also the main image doesn’t show on the mobile version, what can I do to fix that. I would be even happy with a solid color so the text can be read.

Also when I go to blog the main image is sort of cut apart, looks like tiled or so. How can I fix that please?

Many thanks,

Hi, I’ve had the exact same issue as the original issue in this post. The read more button just loops back to the same blog page but doesn’t show the full text. I have tried changing the permalinks as suggested but no change. I would actually like to remove the read more function and just display full text if possible. Any advice please?

Update: I’ve realised what’s happening is that all pages are being themed as posts. I have changed the pages to posts and now they appear as pages. I believe this is a bug with the illdy theme. Please can this be looked into. Thanks

Hi, is anyone supporting this community? Would appreciate some guidance please. Thanks

Hello!? Is anybody out there? There must be a solution to this issue?