remove specific post's "read more"

I need to remove a “read more” link from a specific post, but the only thing I could get is removing all of the “read more” links from all of the posts by deleting the following lines from content.php:

<div class="read-more">
	<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php esc_html_e( 'Read More', 'activello' ); ?></a>

Is it possible to remove the “read more” link for specific post ID?

Ok, I figured it out. No touching any *.php files
Made things look right by just adding this code into custom style.css

.post-1 .read-more > a {
	display: none;

My specific post id is ‘1’

Hi @vauveigh,

Awesome great to see you got that figured out.

Please advise if you have more questions.

Have a fantastic day!


I’ve tried the same and it removes the “read more” but I want the entire posts to show… How do I do this?

Hi @blogbynoelle,

To help keep support thread separates could you please create your own thread for your question here instead of replying on others thread as it makes the thread messy and hard to read.

If you want to you can also add reference of this thread in your newly created thread.

We would be more than happy to help you on your new thread.
