Resize Projects widget area

I want to know how to resize the area of the projects widget. Instead of using the 4 image place, I only want to use 3. How can I do that?

Thanks for in advance.

Hello @steffanom,

Use this custom CSS code to get the 3 project image layout, inside Dashboard > Appearances > Editor > Style.css, but keep in mind that this code will get erased if you update the theme so you either use a child theme or a plugin for this CSS:

width: 33.33%;

This should do the trick

Thank You! it works.

How about if I only want one or two widgets in the project section, but I want them to be centered, instead of aligned left? I can do width: 100% or 50%, but how do I get them to align center? Thanks!


I have to investigate this and the other question with the developers, will get back to you by Monday, at last.

Not sure if the above private reply was in response to my issue but if it was I didn’t see it. If it wasn’t then I would appreciate any update you might have for me on the issue I asked about above. Thanks!

@capforge Yeah it was!

See it:


I have to investigate this and the other question with the developers, will get back to you by Monday, at last.

Hello @capforge,

Sorry about the confusion, I was trying to send you a private message that I’ll get back to you after I investigate the issue with the developers.

Unfortunately, the current layout does not offer easy methods to center align 1 or 2 items.
