I resolved my problem with post in category and tag.
I was using a child-theme and the my archive.php was a bit different.
I updated mine regarding yours and it is working for category and tag post
I still do have the problem with search bar.
I saw in another post you gave this solution
“File size is too large so here’s the external URL https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B37mWqipdoB6THB6UUkwZ25IcWs”
but as I am using a chilf them can you explain me what I need to change ?
To resolve search bar issue if you are using child theme then just copy search.php file from shared activello theme and add it in your child theme directory.
after the last update of Activello also my search bar dosen’t work anymore. I tried to follow the all proceding you showed in the movie but it doesn’t work anyway. Is it impossible to update the theme again and risolve the problem so that the search bars of the people who chose your theme can use it as they did before ?