Shapely Footer Edit


I am very new to this. I have searched through the forum questions and answers but dont find what I need pertaining to Shapely.

I would like to edit the footer. Currently this is what I see:

Theme by Colorlib Powered by WordPress

How do I edit that. I have very little coding experience at the momemt.

I do hope you will be able to assist.

Kind regards,


Hi Michael,

I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.

You can try achieving this by using the solution posted in the following topics.

You can try removing default copyright text by adding the following CSS code in the Custom CSS option of your theme on the below path.

Admin Area -> Appearance -> Customize -> Shapely Options -> Other

.footer-credits {
    display: none;

Then add your own as described in the following topic.

Best Regards,

Good day Movin,

Thank you so much. Ok so the footer is now removed. How do I put my own text there now?

I want it to read the following:

Marketing by Design SA © 2016

And a link must be created.

Thank you so much for your super service.



To add your own text do as described in the following topic.