Hi Support Team,
Website front page and menu items are different on Chrome and Firefox (see attached screenshot). Any suggestions for suggested fixes? TIA
Hi Support Team,
Website front page and menu items are different on Chrome and Firefox (see attached screenshot). Any suggestions for suggested fixes? TIA
Hey there,
Thanks for contacting us, can you please tell me what is the difference? regretable I’m unable to spot it.
I look forward to hearing from you.
The home page Menu shows 2 items (correct) or 4 items (old version) on different browsers and devices. Tried clearing cache and did not help. I have attached the Firefox screenshot (4 item menu).
You should also be able to see Menu issue by clicking Home Menu > Paintngs > Home
Feels like the Static Front Page menu is not updating with Default Main Menu for some browsers and devices. Should I try deleting the Front Page php file?
For some reason the Front Page d
My broader issue is to find out if is there a way for force a Static Front Page update as that might fix my problems?
Hey there,
I tried it in different browsers and the result is always the same: Screenshot by Lightshot Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.
No, don’t delete any files from the theme, instead, try to recreate the menu, simply delete the menus, create new one and attach it from Appearance> Menu
Let me know if there’s anything else I can assist with.
It does now look the same for all browsers! My guess is the static front page causes refresh issues with some common faster-loading extensions.
Unrelated question: Is there a way to change the order of the posts in the left sidebar from “Latest-to-Oldest” to a manual sort order?
Hey there,
Ok, its good to know that now they are the same in all browsers.
Sorry, but regretable there is no such feature to change the order of the post.