Shapely Mobile Site not Working Properly

I have been working on my new site for a while and it’s looking pretty good but when I go to the mobile version of it, It looks terrible! There are so many issues: menu not appearing, pages not fitting on screen, footer too big, Instagram feed taking up too much space, title font size… I don’t know what to do! I don’t want to install a mobile plugin. I have a lot of custom CSS, so maybe I did something? Please help! My site is (although there is a coming soon page for now, so please let me know when you are looking at it so I can disable it).
Thank you so much.

Hi there

I cant see through the coming soon template, I need to see the problems on the live site :slight_smile:

Hi. I just made the site live. Thank you.

Hi there

Most part of your problems are rleated to layout changes and it caused by the ADS plugin your are using, it changes lot of things on the site, please deactivate it and check again


I’m not sure which plugin you mean. I tried deactivated a few, and the mobile site is still not responding properly.

I saw many ADS dom elements on the page and they were affecting layout

Mobile menu triger problem can be fixed by this css code: {
position: absolute;
top: 0px;

Other problems mainly related to the unusual font size you are using, they are a little bit big for mobile devices and they change the layout structure

I removed all ads, added the CSS code and made font smaller. Mobile site still not responding properly. Please advise.


I think its way better now, can you please show me a screenshot of the section you have a problem with?