Shapely theme text too big on mobile

Howdy folks.

Ive finally got my website homepage looking like I want…yet the mobile version’s text (in [Shapely] Parallax Section For FrontPage blocks) looks far too big. Over the year or so I have added some additional CSS to adjust the website look…so whether thats interfeared with the mobile version? Any quick solutions? I was thinking of using elementor…yet this only appears to work with WP pages…not the shapely customise function…

Any ideas on quick fix? website is


Ro :slight_smile:

Hi there

Please add this CSS code in the Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS:

@media (max-width: 991px){
.image-bg h1 {
    font-size: 60px;



I did…but doesnt appear any different?

please check out the pic below of how the text looks on my mobile…

cheers - hope you can help! ro :slight_smile:

Hi there,

The code is working, we just need to change the value of the font size, try something like 25px

If there is anything else I can help with, just let me know.


tahnks again…

I changed the font size to 24…but still no luck on changing text on my mobile? hhmm. this CSS meant to change the text ONLY on the mobile is it? see attached pic of what ive done. Red box is the CSS code.

Also - is there a code I can use to change the content text in the green box (text is too small) as part of the shapely parallax for frontpage block?

thanks!! have a good w.e :slight_smile:

Hi there.

Please clear cache, I see its already changed: Screenshot by Lightshot

Let me know results

Hi there

All the text has already changed, please view your website in other browser or in Incognito window :slight_smile:


Thanks do much! :have a good day

Hi there.

Thank you too, can you please confirm that it’s resolved?


yes thanks it is - all resolved :slight_smile:

Cool! let us know if you need any other assistance,
