Shapely Video Background on homepage

Hi Guys,

Thanks for providing such a nice template.
I am currently running into a huge issue trying to add via the video background plug-in but never achieved.
I found the correct container and used additional CSS via the home page, link the video on youtube… and nothing.

Thanks for any inputs !

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Hey there,

May I take a closer look at your problem? please provide screenshots of the problem and link to the website.


Hi !

Thanks a lot for your reply.
Here the screenshot with the relative CSS.

Many Thanks


Hey there,

I’m sorry, but that is not a valid CSS code. It is unlikely to work. Have you considered using the default option for the background video?


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Thanks a lot for your reply.
What do you mean with default option?

Many thanks

Hey there,

There is an option in Shapely where you can set video as a background, please check this in the customizer and hero section.


Hi there !
Thanks again.
Can u please guide me trough these 2 functions ?

Many thanks

Hi @Yorh1

I’d be happy to show you how to do this process on your website, even though it’s not fully explained in the documentation. Could you please send me the admin details in a private message? You can DM them to me.



How can I DM you?

Hi there,

I just sent you a message, you can now reply to me.


Hi there,

Some news please?