Site Edits - Search Icon, Twitter Feed and Copyright info


Thank you so much for this theme. It is exactly what I have always wanted. I would really appreciate help in the following bits:

  1. How can I do away with the search field in the menu area (search & hit enter)?
  2. I am intending to add a Twitter feed at the footer of the site: How do I go about it?
  3. Is there a way to edit the copyright infor at the footer, so it just says “Theme by Colorlib” without the “Powered by Wordpress” bit?
  4. Lastly, how can I add a download link maybe to an article I have posted?

Thank you!

Hi @adamba,

I hope you are well today and thank you for your questions.

1. How can I do away with the search field in the menu area (search & hit enter)?

You can remove it by adding the following CSS code in the Custom CSS option of your theme on the below path.

Admin Area -> Appearance -> Customize -> Activello Options -> Other -> Custom CSS

.navbar.navbar-default .nav-search {
    display: none;
2. I am intending to add a Twitter feed at the footer of the site: How do I go about it?

To achieve this just use the attached child theme that contains footer.php file and add Twitter feed code in this footer.php file.

3. Is there a way to edit the copyright infor at the footer, so it just says “Theme by Colorlib” without the “Powered by WordPress” bit?

You can try achieving this using the attached child theme of Activello theme.

4. Lastly, how can I add a download link maybe to an article I have posted?

You can use any of the following plugins to achieve it.

Best Regards,

Thank you very much @movin for your timely reply and the help. I really appreciate. Three quick follow up qstns:

  1. How do I set up the child theme?

  2. How do I ensure the Activello Social Widgets links open in a new tab once clicked?

  3. Is there a way to allign the header menu to the right, as opposed to the default?

Thank you in advance.

Hi @adamba,

1. How do I set up the child theme?

You can use the shared child theme in the previous reply the same way as normal theme as described on the following pages.

2. How do I ensure the Activello Social Widgets links open in a new tab once clicked?

Just make sure to check the option “Open link in a new tab” in the social menu item as shown in the attached screenshot.

3. Is there a way to allign the header menu to the right, as opposed to the default?

You can try achieving this by using the following CSS code.

.navbar-ex1-collapse {
    float: right;

Best Regards,

Thanks again. Here is the screenshot on my end. I can not see the “Open in new tab”. Am using the parent theme.

Any help?

If the option “Open in new tab” doesn’t display for you then just enable it from Menus screen options as shown in the attached screenshot.

Hi @Movin,

Everything is now resolved. Thanks for taking your time to help out.

You are most welcome here :slight_smile:

Hi @Movin,

How do I remove the “read more” link for my first post so that I could have a full post? I have tried the suggested solutions in the forum but it is not working

And the customizimation one.

Hi @adamba,

To help keep support thread separates could you please create your own thread for your question here instead of replying on existing thread as it makes the thread messy and hard to read.

If you want to you can also add reference of this thread in your newly created thread.

We would be more than happy to help you on your new thread.
