My site is set to show latest blog posts on the home page. Inside each tag on the home page only, the post title is appearing as plain text, it also happens again next to the “read more” button.
I’ve disabled all plugins and the issue remains, I’ve also checked functions.php and content-extensions.php but I can’t figure it out… is there anywhere else that may be the culprit? I’m using a child theme.
Hey there
May i take a closer look? Please provide URL of the page
Hey there
I’m sorry but website is not available at this moment.
are you doing any maintenance work?
I think I’m having some issues but try with https:// and if not without www
Sorry, I need to speak to my host about that 
Hey there
Please add this CSS code in the Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS:
.home #content .post article figure, .home #content .post article header, .home #content .post article div {
visibility: visible;
.home #content .post article {
visibility: hidden;
Amazing, that got it! There’s one more just after where it’s doing the same thing.
Can you explain how this works? I’d usually inspect the element and know what to hide from there but as it’s just plain text I couldn’t work it out. Thanks!
Where exactly? can you share the screenshot?
Well, its just a CSS code to hide block and then show only the part of the block 