Slider is not properly configured

i using Dazzling Theme, but when i enabled the slider option it displays that the slider is not properly configured as i already set feature image …but slider is not working help please

Hi! I had this problem too. I changed Slider Category to another category and returned the desired category.

Hi, I had the same problem earlier, it might be that the category you selected for the slider has only one post. I found out that it needs two or more posts in the category for the slider to work.

Hope this helps!

Hi @arbabkhalil,

Sorry to hear of the problem you are having.

Have you tried the solutions suggested by users in their above replies?

If the above solutions don’t work for you then Would you mind if i log in to your site and do some troubleshooting? If this is ok then could you please share me your site log in details privately by checking the option “Set as private reply” when replying to this topic?


Hello all,

Is this Problem solved? I have the Same Problem . What can i do

Thanks for your help


Olá, bom dia!

Também estou com esse mesmo problema tanto no slider quanto no botão de ação.

O que preciso fazer para solucionar o problema?

Hi There,

Please make sure that you have configured the slider properly and try using the solutions posted in the following topic.

Best Regards,

Ainda continuo com problema.

o link do meu site é

Preciso de uma solução. Preciso dar destaque nas informações que estão em meu site.

Hi @alexsamens,

Could you please write in English so that i can others can understand it?

You can also use the Google translator to translate it in to English.

Best Regards,


I made the considerations you gave me earlier, but is not yet visible the slider or the action button of my blog.

I need an urgent resolution of this problem. It is necessary for me to give emphasis to my post.

My site is

I await urgent return

@alexsamens I visited your shared site and saw that the slider and action button is working fine on your site as shown in the attached screenshot.

Is it started working fine for you now?

Hi @Movin,

I had the same problem, but I managed to solve it and maybe it helps others.

First, configure your Slider category and Number of slide items, then create the same number of posts in the Slider category as the Number of slide items you have configured. That worked for me! (maybe it works with number of posts >= number of slide items, but I haven’t tried yet).


@melapela I hope you are well today and thanks for helping out here in this forum.

Your help here is really appreciated.

Hello Movin,

I also have the same problem on the homepage of my site where the slider is not showing in my child-theme. Please can you help me fix the problem?

I have had to temporarily install a 3rd party plugin to display a banner image on the homepage instead, but i want to remove this as soon as i can use the built in slider.

Many thanks

@daniish To help us keep support thread separates could you please create your own thread for your question here instead of replying on others thread as it makes the thread messy and hard to read.

If you want to you can also add reference of this thread in your newly created thread.

We would be more than happy to help you on your new thread.

I have posted this reply in another post too.
I hope this doesn’t go as spam but since there are more people here asking for help I thought this could be useful for more people.
So what I posted in another thread with same question was this :

I was getting the same error.
There are many suggestions in different posts and I tried using them all. Finally I managed to get it working.
This is how I did it.
Although I had to do many trials and errors.
Firstly I couldn’t find the Slider Settings as it is not present in Dashboard under appearance section as mentioned in the theme support (Dazzling Theme Documentation).
To find the Slider Settings follow this path : Customize > Dazzling Options > Slider Options

Anyway coming back to the main problem.
So it turns out that you can fix this error if you try changing the Slider Settings…
I made a test post with a featured image and created the category “Sliders” for it, just to see how the slider works. And initially it seemed to work perfectly in the preview.
But when I clicked on Save and Publish and closed the Customize bar, the slider did not appear.
Instead it said : Slider is not Properly Configured
So my Slider Settings at this point were these: Slider Category - Sliders and Number of slide items - 3.
So I first made 2 more posts with featured images in the same Category. But that too did not seem to work.
Then I made 3 more test posts in a new category and named it “Others”.
I then changed the Slider Settings as these : Slider Category - Others and Number of slide items - 3
This too did not work out for me.
Then I just changed the Number of slide items to 2.
So the settings looked like this now : Slider Category - Others and Number of slide items - 2
This is where my slider worked perfectly after clicking Save and Publish and closing the Customize bar.
It has been working fine since. I later changed the Number of slides back to 3 and it was still working fine.

So it seems that randomly changing the settings in the Slider Settings does the trick.
The settings you need to tinker with are : Slider Category and Number of posts.
It may sound odd and not technical or professional but that is exactly what worked for me and my website is working absolutely fine now.
You can check it here .
Hopefully it will work for you too.