Social Icons Missing in Dazzling 2

Documentation for Dazzling 2 says to go the configuration settings inside the theme. When I get there, the settings are missing.

I make new menu from Appearance > Menus, and put it in social menu. I check Footer Social Icons. But the only thing that show up is the 32px navigation label. I’m not really sure how this works. Please update the documentation.

Hi there,

I hope you are well today and thanks for posting here.

The instructions provided here are for the older version of Dazzling theme in the latest version of the theme social icons are handled differently as described below.

  1. Create a menu like any other menu.
  2. Use the correct urls for created custom links menu items, so for twitter it must be for facebook it must be Otherwise URLs won’t get recognized and you will get squares without icons.
  3. Set theme location for this menu as “Social Links”
  4. Use the social widget or use the theme option “Footer Social Icons” to display the social icons.

Refer the attached screenshot.

Please advise if you have more questions.

Best Regards,

Hi movin

What do you mean by any other menu. I can’t still find icon after ticking on social icons.

Oh I see now what you mean there is another social media menu added on menus :slight_smile: I got it solved.

Thanks movin.

The problem isn’t solved until after documentation exists. There still isn’t any way to tell which sites are supposed to work. The support website references Twitter. The moderator references Facebook. Trial and error shows it knows about G+, and Foursquare, but not Yelp. If it doesn’t know an entered site there is just a blank hole in the displayed menu.

The theme relies on a WP menu. But documentation just stops there. How about at least a listing of the sites inside the theme options? You can’t expect people to just know which ones will or will not work.

Hi @seebenclick,

It’s in our to do list to improve all theme documentations which we will do ASAP.

For your reference the Dazzling theme social icons currently support the following site URLs.


Best Regards,

Thank you for posting the list. It helps.

You are most welcome here :slight_smile: