Some free-to-download templates seem to have a broken download link

The download links at Login Form V20 - Free Login In Form w/ Image Background 2022 - Colorlib, and a few others I checked all point to a redirect to the homepage for some reason. If this is intentional, I think it should be changed to make it more obvious that it isn’t a mistake. If it is a mistake, is the preview covered by the free license, and is it is acceptable to use the preview?

The download for Shutter at 30 Best Free Responsive Blogger Templates 2022 - Colorlib download works fine.

Hi there

Please try twice and it should work, there was a problem with this


I tried again a couple of times but it still doesn’t seem to work. The download link points to WordPress Themes & Website Templates - Colorlib. Some of the other forms at 42 Best Free HTML5 And CSS3 Login Forms 2022 - Colorlib also are broken, but some of them do work fine.

(P.S. Thank you for the quick response.)

Ok, sorry about that

@aigars-silkalns can you please help us here? :slight_smile:


Could you completely clear your browser cache and try again?

Stagging links were temporary for a day 2-3 months ago, and all of them have been replaced since. If that doesn’t solve the issue, please let me know the browser and OS you use, so we can investigate it more thoroughly.

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I tried clearing my browser cache and tried again - same result. I am using the Trisquel operating system, and I have tried a couple of different browser configurations, but probably the simplest one to debug is using the Abrowser browser with JavaScript disabled and no extensions installed. I have also tried running the site through ( and the link still points to the same place.

This case is already closed, if anyone has any question please start a new ticket
