Submenus do not appear

Dear support team,

on Bach-Archiv – Tobis Notenarchiv there should be a submenue at “Orgelwerke” (organ works)
but it does not appear. Did I something wrong?

Hi there

Sorry, but I can’t see any menu element like: Orgelwerke here: Screenshot by Lightshot and other menu elements showing submenus normally

Oh I’m sorry, it was the menu Bach II → Orgelwerke. As you can see on Screenshot 1 there appears only Orgelwerke (Organ works) and Kammermusik (chamber music).

But there should be a submenu with Klavierwerke (piano works) and Lautenwerke (lute works), see Screenshot 2:



Ok, got it,
Im sorry but no 3rd level menus are supported in the theme, only 2rd level :frowning: