Tema yukleme sorunu

oakberry/css Şablon eksik. Tekil temalar templates/index.html veya index.php şablon dosyasına ihtiyaç duyarlar. Alt temalar style.css stil dosyası içinde Template başlığına ihtiyaç duyarlar.

Hey there

it’s not a WordPress theme, its an HTML template and you cant install it as a theme in WordPress.

Same question here:


Hello, I received 2 payments. I would appreciate it if you refund the 2nd payment received


I want a refund of my payments as I have not used the theme I purchased twice.

Please take care of this issue I want my refund

Hey there

I just answered here on this question: Hesabımızdan 2 kere ödeme alınmış - #2 by barentluxury
